
Seitenübersicht: Water

Gelangen Sie schnell und unkompliziert zu Ihrem gewünschtem Thema.
aqua spa
conserve resources


Swimming in happiness

  • Frau genießt das Schwimmen im Outdoorpool des Wellnesshotels Sonnberghof
  • Frau genießt das Schwimmen im natürlichen Schwimmbiotop des Wellnesshotels Sonnberghof im Nationalpark Hohe Tauern
aqua spa

Indoor and outdoor pool & swimming biotope

Splashing, bubbling, hissing, steaming, calming, activating, cooling down, warming up, cleansing, detoxifying, accompanying you to sleep and quenching your thirst:

What water can do! We feel surrounded by water and come back to ourselves.

Abendstimmung am Sonnberghof Naturhotel und Wellnesshotel mit Außenpool und Badeteich.

What water can do! We feel surrounded by water and come back to ourselves.

At the wellnesshotel Sonnberghof, water turns into everything you need right now. We like to be generous with it: After all, it comes from our…

...own source
Person im Bademantel balanciert auf Steinen im Badeteich des Wellnesshotels.
  • Indoor and outdoor pool in the Sonnberg Spa (4×6 m inside and 18×6 m outside) with 28 °C - 31 °C water temperature depending on the season
  • Swimming biotope, fed with mountain spring water of drinking quality from our own spring
Splashing, bubbling, hissing, steaming, calming, activating, cooling down, warming up, cleaning, detoxifying.
conserve resources

water is valuable

... and hot water costs energy. We minimize the consumption of resources in this way: In the swimming biotope you swim in natural water from our own spring.

Our pool area in the wellness hotel works with future-oriented technology. At night, all the pool water is drained into a thermal pool where it keeps the temperature well. In the morning the machines pump it back into the pool.

Person im dampfenden Außenpool vom Wellnesshotel Sonnberghof mit Bergblick.

4×6 m inside and 18×6 m outside

Our pool area in the wellness hotel works with future-oriented technology. At night, all the pool water is drained into a thermal pool where it keeps the temperature well. In the morning the machines pump it back into the pool.

There it is again, waiting for you.


in wellness heaven

new born

Warmth gives a sense of well-being and security, gives serenity and calm.